Saturday, June 11, 2011

50 Parallels between Moses and Jesus

21. God revealed His healing power through Moses Ex.15:26

God revealed His healing power through Jesus Mt.4:23

22. Moses gave God's people bread from heaven to eat (manna) Ex.16:15

Jesus said that He was the true bread from heaven that gives life
to the world Jn.6:33.

23. The whole congregation of Israel murmured against Moses Ex.15:24.

The Jews murmured at Jesus Jn.6:41.

24. Moses told the people to gather manna every morning- daily bread Ex.16:20-21.

Jesus taught His disciples to feed their souls with spiritual bread daily
Mt. 6:11.

25. People were ready to stone Moses Ex. 17:4.

People were ready to stone Jesus Jn. 10:31.

26. Moses received God's Law on a mountain and told the people what God expected of
them Ex19:3.

Jesus set the law back in its proper place on a mountain Mt.5:1. The Sermon on
The Mount.

27. God came to Moses in a thick cloud Ex. 19:9, 24:16.

God came to Jesus on the Mt. of Transfiguration in a thick cloud Mk.9:7.

28. Moses sprinkled the blood of the first covenant on the people Ex.24:8.

Jesus sanctified the people with His own blood, the blood of the New Covenant

29. God gave Moses commandments to teach His people Ex. 24:12.

God gave Jesus commandments to teach His people Jn.13:34.

30. Moses interceded with God for Israel when he was angry with His people

Jesus interceded with God on behalf of sinful man; He "made intercession for
the transgressors" Is.53:12 and became the final sacrifice for sin Mt. 20:28,

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