Friday, December 24, 2010
12 Days of Christmas
The Partidge in a pear tree was Jesus Christ who died on a"tree" as a gift from God.
Two turtle doves were the Old and New Testaments, another gift from God.
Three French hens represented faith, hope and love, three gifts mentioned in I Corinthians 13.
Four calling birds were the four Gospels that sing the song of salvation through Jesus Christ.
The five golden rings were the first five books of the Bible, (The Torah), also called the books of Moses.
The six geese a-laying were the the six days of Creation.
The seven swans a'swimming were the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit found in Romans 12:6-8.
The eight maids a-milking were the eight beatitudes.
The nine ladies dancing were the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit from Galatians 5:22,23.
The ten lords a-leaping were the Ten Commandments.
The eleven pipers piping were the 11 faithful disciples.
The twelve drummers drumming were the 12 points of the Apostles Creed.
Thus, when they sang the The Twelve Days of Christmas, they were teaching their faith and the unbelieving world had no clue as to what they were doing!
Monday, November 22, 2010
New Testament's Hebraisms by David Bivin
One of the most important Hebraisms is known as "parallelism," expressing the same thought in two or more different, though synonymous, ways. "Parallelism" is the hallmark of Hebrew poetry.
Rather than invest energy in refining a definition of "parallelism," let's gain a feeling for this feature of Hebrew by looking at a few examples from the Hebrew scriptures.
The Book of Psalms is full of parallelism. The book's first verse contains a 3-part parallelism: who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked,
or stand in the way of sinners,
or sit in the seat of mockers. (Ps 1:1;NIV)
The prophet Amos transmits God's message: "But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream." (Amos 5:24;RSV)
Again God speaks in parallelism through the mouth of Moses: "They have stirred me to jealousy with what is no god; they have provoked me with their idols." (Deut.32:21;RSV)
Mary used parallelism in her poetic praise of God: "My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior." (Lk.1:46-47;RSV)
Each of the two sides,or ribs, of a parallelism has the meaning of the other. Roughly speaking, whatever one side of a parallelism means, its other side means the same. More than half the words in the Hebrew Bible appear only once or twice, but happily, often in a parallelism. Sometimes, the only clue scholars have to a rare biblical vocabulary item's meaning is its known equivalent, its opposite found in a parallelism.
You could say that "parallelism" is the essence of the Hebrew language. Parallelism is pervasive in the Hebrew Scriptures, especially in poetry. A prophet could scarely open his or her mouth without parallelisms popping out. Likewise, parallelisms are everywhere in the synoptic Gospels, especially in the sayings of Jesus, an indication that the Greek of these Gospels is derived from a Greek source translated from Hebrew.
Here is a sampling of the many doublets and parallelisms we find in the sayings of Jesus:
"The wise and understanding" (Lk.10:21); "prophets and apostles" (Lk.11:49); "kings and governors" (Lk.21:12); "two men will be in the field...two women will be grinding with a handmill" (Mt.24:40-41); "look at the birds of the heaven...consider the lilies of the field" (Mt.6:26,28); "they make their phylacteries wide...and their tassels long" (Mt.23:5); "when you see a cloud rising in the west...when you see the southwind blowing" (Lk12:54,55); "a reed shaken by the wind...a man dressed in fancy clothes" (Mt.11:7-8, Lk.7:24-25); "eating and drinking...a glutton and a collectors and sinners"(Mt. 11:19, Lk.7:34); "you are the salt of the are the light of the world" (Mt.5:13,14); "as it was in the days of it was in the days of Lot" (Lk 17:26,28); and "nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom" (Mt.24:7; Mk.13:8, Lk. 21:10).
Please fill in the blanks in the following parallelisms:
"A disciple is not above his teacher and a ________ is not above his ______". Mt.10:24-25
"My yoke is easy and my ______ is_________" Mt. 11:30.
"Foxes have holes, and the _____ ___ ____ ___have______ " Mt. 8:20;Lk.9:58.
"You build the tombs of the prophets and adorn the_______of the righteous" Mt.23:29.
"Jerusalem, Jerusalem,killing the prophets, and stoning ______ _____ ____ ___" Mt.23:37,Lk.13:34.
"The master of that slave will come on a day he (the slave) does not expect and at an hour____ ____ ____ ____" Mt. 24:50; Lk. 12:46).
Next time we will look at parallelisms that are more complex. A sensitivity to Hebrew parallelism allows scholars to interpret correctly a number of Jesus' sayings, e.g.,"Do not give the holy to the dogs, and do not throw your pearls before the pigs, lest they trample them with their feet, and turning,rend you Mt.7:6.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Gates (Sharim)
The city gate was a very busy place. Markets sold their goods there, news was heard and talked about and prophets and priests made announcements there. It was the center for administration, courts were held and disputes settled. Princes and judges sat at the gates performing their official duties. The word gate became known as power and authority. To be within the gates meant that a person was under authority of the elders of the city who presided in the gates. There are many places in the Bible that speak of gates. Gen 19:1 Lot sat at the gate of Sodom, Ruth 4:1 Boaz sat at the gate, Deut.22:15 & Joshua 20:4 mention elders who judged at the gates of cities in Israel.
God desired righteous judgement at the gates, but that wasn't always the case. Ps 24:7 says Lift up your heads, O you gates. And be lifted up, you everlasting doors. And the King of Glory shall come in, the psalmist is referring to the necessity for righteous judgment in the gates. Zech. 8:16 also says These are the things you shall do: Speak each man the truth to his neighbor, give judgment in your gates for truth, justice and peace.. Proverbs 8:3 cries out at the gates of the city, and Proverbs 31:23 says a virtuous woman's husband is known in the gates.
Jesus is the Gate. Ps 118:19-20 Open to me the gates of righteousness, I will go through them, and I will praise the Lord. This is the gate of the Lord, through which the righteous shall enter. Matthew 7:13 Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Jesus is the narrow Gate, the Gate of the Lord which the righteous enter. He is the "gate of heaven" that Jacob saw at Bethel, Gen 28:17. John 1:51 says You shall see heaven opening and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man. He became the true Gate of Heaven as He identified Himself as the Mediator between God and man, the only way to have access to the Father.
The Gates of Old Jerusalem
There are eight gates surrounding the city of Jerusalem, The Damascus Gate, is flanked by two towers and crowned by a decorative motif. The old road that led north to Damascus began at this gate. Herod's Gate or Flowers Gate is the ancient Roman entrance to the city. On July 15, 1099 Crusaders breached the wall at this gate and took the city of Jerusalem, proclaiming the Latin Kingdom. The Lion's Gate also called St. Stephen's Gate (because he may have been stoned there) has a beautiful carving of two pairs of lions. This gate opens towards the Mt. of Olives. The Dung Gate, named for its location near a rubbish dump just outside the city walls, leads directly to the area of the Western Wall today. The Zion Gate built by Suleman the Magnificent in 1541 is pockmarked with bullet holes from 1948 and the battle for the Jewish Quarter. Jaffa Gate is the origin of the old road leading west to Jaffa. It retains the ancient L shaped interior, a defensive method of slowing the advance of armies through the gate. The New Gate, opened in 1889 linked the properties near the wall in the northeast of the city with the Old City. The Golden Gate also known as the Eastern Gate, Gate of Mercy, and the Beautiful Gate is the oldest and most famous gate of the city. This is the gate that Jesus passed through on His way to the Temple. It was sealed by the Muslims in 1541 in order to prevent the Messiah's entrance. Jewish tradition teaches that the Messiah will come through the Golden Gate. He did, and He will again.
Monday, October 18, 2010
God instructed Noah to build an ark. It took him 120 years to make. No one had ever seen rain before. When the flood waters came, Noah was not suprised. God instructed Noah to put pitch on the ark to keep the water out. The pitch is kapparah from the Hebrew root word kippor which means atonement. The pitch was red.
God instructed Noah to take on the ark 7 of each clean animal and 2 of each unclean animal.
Noah and his family entered the ark. There were eight in all and eight in Hebrew is the number of new beginnings. After being on the ark seven months, they landed on Mt. Ararat on the seventeenth day of the seventh month. A day of new beginnings and Salvation.
Jesus died on the fourteenth day of the seventh month (of the Hebrew calendar) and rose from the grave on the seventeenth day. A day of new beginnings and Salvation.
Monday, October 4, 2010
God's Name
Jesus' name in Hebrew is Yahshua Yah is God, Shua is Salvation God Saves
Hallelujah (Alleluia) is Halleluyah in Hebrew
Hallelu Yah means Praise be to Yah the one true living God.
Elijah is Eliyahu in Hebrew and means My God is Yah. He was sent to turn people back to the pure worship of YHVH (Gods Holy Name).
The endings of the prophets names in English is iah. This came from Yah in Hebrew.
Haggiah is HagiYah
Hezekiah Is HizkiYah
Matthew is MattitYahu
Nehemiah is NechemYah
Obadiah is OvadYahu
Zedekiah is TzedekYah
Zephaniah is TzfanYah
Jacob is Yaakov Jacob (Yaakov) was born grasping the heel of his twin brother Esau (Ackov). Jacobs name spelled in the Hebrew is the same as Esaus except for one letter. The letter Yod which means hand is the first letter in Jacobs name and represents the hand grasping onto the heel of Esau.
Isaiah is YeshaYahu
Joshua is Yahashua When Moses placed his Hands upon Hosea, he imparted his spirit and authority to him and his name was changed to Joshua (Yahashua) by the additon of the letter Yod to the front of his name. This changed his name from Salvation (Hosea) to Adonai will save (Joshua).
Monday, September 27, 2010
Feast of Tabernacles
This festival has universal implications. It pictures a time when all the nations of the world will come under the rule of King Messiah in the Kingdom of God, and when peace will reign over all the earth.
It was also a traditon to pray for rain, not only for Israel but also for the 70 nations of the world. Israel was considered to be a nation that was required to intercede with God on behalf of the other nations, since the nations were cut off from God because of their idolatrous practices. The connection between Tabernacles and the nations of the world comes from Zech. 14:16-19.
Each day out of the temple, there was a special ceremony. The priests were divided into 3 divisions. The 1st division were the priests on duty for that festival. They would slay the sacrifices. At this time a 2nd group of priests went out of the Eastern gate of the temple to the Motzah Valley (about 30 minutes away). There they would cut willow. The willows had to be 25 ft. in length. After this they would form a line with all the priests holding a willow. About 25 to 30 ft. behind this row of priests,allowing room for the willows, would be another row of priests with willows. There would be row after row of willows.
There would be a signal and the priests would step out with their left foot and then
step to the right, swinging the willows back and forth. Meanwhile, a 3rd group of priests went out the gate known as the Water gate. They had gone to the pool known as Siloam,(John 9:7,11) which means gently flowing waters. There the high priest had a golden vase and drew the water known as the living water(Mayim) and held it in the vase. His assistant held a silver vase containing wine. Just as the priests in the Valley of Motzah began to march toward Jerusalem so did the priests in Siloam. As they marched toward the city of Jerusalem the willows made a swishing sound in the wind as they approached the city. The word wind in Hebrew is Ruach. The word spirit in Hebrew is also Ruach. This ceremony was symbolic and represented the Holy Spirt of God coming upon the city of Jerusalem. As each party reached their respective gates, a shofar was blown. Then one man would stand up and play the flute(the flute represents the Messiah) the flute player is called "the pierced one".
The flute player led the procession - the pierced one blows the call for the wind and the water to enter the temple.
Another ceremony was the Water Libation Ceremony
This was performed everyday during the Feast
This meant that everyday the priest would go to the Pool of Siloam with a golden pitcher and draw water which was poured into a bowl at the altar. With the approach of the rainy season Israel depended on God to send rain for the next season's crops. This was a time of serious praying, asking God to open the gates of heaven and send the necessary rain. As the priest poured out the water, he visually demonstrated God's continuing and faithful love in sending rain. This was a demonstration or sign of Israel's hope for the coming of Messiah as they looked forward to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit which God had promised. The priest would teach on every passage of scripture dealing with water. Is 55:1 Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters, Is 58:11 And the Lord will continually guide you and satisfy your desire in scorched places, and you will be like a watered garden and like a spring of water whose waters do not fail. Is 44:3 For I will pour out water on the thirsty land and streams on the dry ground. I will pour out My Spirit on your offspring and My blessing on your descendants.
Hosea 6:3 explains Christ will come as the latter and former rain. The spring feasts are during the former rain and the fall feasts are during the latter rain.
When the water was poured into a basin on the altar the priests blew the shofar, people were singing and dancing, the levites were singing sacred songs and ordinary people were chanting Ps 113 - 118 - Adonai please save us, Adonai please prosper us, Blessed is he who comes in the name of Adonai - God is Adonai and He has given us light.
The Rabbis associate the custom with Is.12:3 With joy shall you draw water from the wells of salvatin. They believed a connection between the possession of the Holy Spirit and ecstasy or religious joy is found in the ceremony of the water drawing.
Thousands of worshippers had come to Jerusalem for this feast and during the pouring of the water Jesus stands up and shouts "If anyone is thirsty,let him keep coming to Me and drink...Whoever trusts- believes in Me as the scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from his innermost being." John 7:37-38
During the feast - great golden menorah lampstands with bases 50 yards high were set up in the Temple courtyard. Each menorah had 7 branches with large bowls for oil. Four youths of priestly descent stood at the top of the ladders holding 10gallon pitchers filled with pure oil which they poured into each bowl. They would light the wicks made from worn-out garments of the priests (called swaddling clothes). It is said that the light was so bright that all of Jerusalem was lit up by them. There was not a courtyard in Jerusalem that was not lit up with the light at the libation water ceremony. The light represented the Shekinah Glory that once filled the Temple. But the brightness of the holy city at the ceremony paled in the presence of Jesus. Jesus stands in front of the enormous menorahs and says "I am the light of the world, he who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. John 8:12
Monday, September 13, 2010
Rosh Hashannah
Forty days before Rosh Hashannah,the shofar is blown everyday and on the Feast day it is blown 100 times at the exact time all over the world. This 40 days is a fast and prayer time, a time of repentance. Jesus went into the wilderness during these 40 days. The same 40 days parallel precisely the first 40 days of Israel's 40 year wilderness journey.
Jews believe that God created the world on Rosh Hashannah.
Rosh Hashanna starts the calendar year.
God intended events on earth to affect heavenly realities. "Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven". It is God's desire that our lives be characterized by Heavenly values, that the temporal reflect the eternal.
The Feasts of Israel were God's appointed times to remind His people that He was Lord of the calendar, the King of Creation and that He was to be worshipped everyday.
Rosh Hashannah has 12 Themes
1. Teshuvah repentance
2. Head of the year, Birthday of the world
3. Yom Teruah Day of the Awakening Blast/Feast of Trumpets
4. Day of Judgement Yom Hadim
5. Coronation of Messiah
6. Day of Remembrance
7. The birth pangs of Jacob"s trouble
8. The opening of the gates
9. The wedding ceremony
10. Resurrection (Rapture)
11. Last Trump
12. The Hidden Day
On Wed June 7, 1967, at the height of the 6th day war, Israeli forces pushed into Jerusalem and recaptured the Temple Mount. After 2000 yrs, the Jewish people's holiest place was once again in their possession. At the Western Wall, the last vestige of the walls that once surrounded the ancient temple, hardened soldiers wept openly in joy. Others embraced the rough stones that towered above them. The Chief Army Chaplain, Rabbi Schlomo Goren, then performed a very significant act: He sounded the shofar.
People familiar with prophetic designs of the Feast of Rosh Hashannah immediately recognized the intent of Rabbi Goren. By blowing the showfar, he symbolially announced to the world Israel's return to the home of their forefathers. This is the prophetic message of Rosh Hashannah - the future return, restoration,or regathering of the people of Israel back to the land God has given to them.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Jesus our Shepherd
Friday, August 20, 2010
Rosh Chodesh -The new moon
Actually, the new moon is not a moon at all. For two days, the night sky is black and moonless, usually on the third night the moon appears at dusk as a dark disc in the western sky. It has just the slightest haze around it. This is when it begins to reflect the light of the sun.
The new moon is referred to as the "birth". After two days of darkness the moon is seen as being "born again". This expression, "born again" used by Jesus, was not a new term in His day. It was already used and understood in Israel. When Gentiles from the surrounding nations came up to Jerusalem seeking God,they came out of the darkness of paganism into the light of God and were "born again," just as the new moon emerges from darkness and is also "born again."
Like the moon which has no light of its own,but reflects the sun's light, the one who comes to the God of Israel begins to reflect God's light. Through Jesus, Jews and non-Jews may emerge from spiritual darkness and be "born again," and reflect the Son's light,just like the new moon.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Why the World is against Israel
The prophets spoke about the Jewish people being regathered to Israel, satan sought to kill the entire Jewish race or force them to lose their national identity and distinctiveness by assimilation or conversion.
If the Jews would cease to exist as a nation the words of the prophets would fail to be fulfilled and Jesus would be prevented from returning.
But God spoke clearly that Israel wold never be destroyed, or lose their national distinctiveness. Jer. 31:35-37.
Satan believes he can succeed and he can prevent Jesus from returning. This is why anti-Semitism is so widespread and so deeply evil. Anti-Semitism is a demonic spirit that hates the Jewish people - not because they are Jewish but because of their prophetic destiny in the fullfillment of Gods eternal purposes. Anti-Semitism is a demonic spirit actually attempting to prevent the return of the Messiah by destroying the Jewish people. the demonic spirit in Islam is part of this.
In Matt 23:39 says Jesus will not return till the Jewish people call for Him to return - In Judges it talks about whenever the Jewish people were facing potential destruction they called to the Lord who raised up a deliver to save them - at the end of the age when Israel is looking at certain destruction and calls upon Jesus to return and deliver them is the ultimate fulfillment of the pattern revealed to us in Judges.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Stumbling Block

If you put together the Hebrew letters that spell Father and Son, you get the word stone. This "stone" - the fact that the Father and Son are one is what caused many Jewish people to reject Jesus because He was claiming equality with God. In Romans 9:32-33 Paul quotes the prophecy in Isaiah 8:14 to explain why many Jews rejected Jesus as Messiah. Even today many stumble over this "stumbling stone." The wise man does not stumble upon this Rock, instead he builds his house on it.
Romans 9:32-33 "Why not? Because they pursued it not by faith but as if it were by works. They stumbled over the "stumbling stone." As it is written: See, I lay a stone in Zion that causes men to stumble, and a rock that makes them fall, and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame."