What happened in history on this date
Israelites begin their 40 year journey in wilderness
1200 BC - Israel is told by God that his generation in the wilderness will not enter the promise land.
586 AD - The Babylonian army destroyed the First Holy Temple.
70 CE - Titus and the Roman army destroyed the Second Holy Temple.
135 AD - Bethar the stronghold of BarKochba, fell ending the last trial for Jewish Independence
executed the Jews.
136 AD - Rome began to erect the pagan city on site of the Temple dedication.
1096 AD - The first crusades began.
1290 AD - The Jews were expelled from England.
1306 AD - The Jews were expelled from France.
1492 AD - King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella signed expulsion. By July, on the 9th of AV, all
Jews had to be out of Spain.
1648 AD - Chmelnicky massacred tens of thousands of Polish Jews.
1914 AD - Declarations for World War I began.
1942 AD - Plans for annihilation of Jews were drafted - the Final Solution.
Jesus was baptized on the 9th of Av and went into the wilderness for 40 days.